On Wednesday October 4th the short courses described below will be offered to the INFUM participants with no extra costs. When registering to the event please mention your interest in the attending the short courses.

  • Brazilian standards and recommended guidelines for fiber-reinforced sprayed concrete | Normas e práticas brasileiras recomendadas para concreto projetado reforçado com fibras

Professor Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo – University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Renan Pícolo Salvador, PhD – University of São Judas Tadeu, Brazil.

This mini-course aims to present the Brazilian standards and recommended guidelines for the specification, characterization, and quality control of fiber-reinforced sprayed concrete (FRSC). In addition, the objective is to provide information for designers and executors of sprayed concrete linings to guarantee the application of FRSC following the internationally recommended guidelines.


    • The guideline for fiber-reinforced sprayed concrete from the Brazilian Tunnel Committee (PR-CBT);
    • Specification for sprayed concrete (ABNT NBR 14026:2012);
    • Selection of cement and accelerators (PR-CBT);
    • Selection of fibers (ABNT NBR 15530:2019; ABNT NBR16942:2021 and ABNT NBR 16941:2021);
    • Experimental mix design of fiber-reinforced sprayed concrete and preparation of sprayed concrete panels (PR-CBT);
    • Determination of rebound (ABNT NBR 13317:2012 and ABNT NBR 13354:2012) and fiber content incorporated into sprayed concrete (PR-CBT);
    • Evaluation of mechanical strength at early ages (ABNT NBR 13069:2012 and ABNT NBR 14278:2012);
    • Extraction of specimens from sprayed concrete panels (ABNT NBR 13070:2012) and structures;
    • Determination of flexural strength, residual strength, and energy absorbed by fiber-reinforced sprayed concrete (PR-CBT);
    • Procedure for quality control (ABNT NBR 14026:2012).

O mini-curso tem o objetivo de apresentar as normas e as práticas recomendadas brasileiras para especificação, caracterização e controle de qualidade do concreto projetado reforçado com fibras (CPRF). Busca-se proporcionar orientações para projetistas, especificadores e executores de revestimentos para garantia da aplicação do CPRF em conformidade com a boa prática recomendada internacionalmente.

Conteúdo programático

    • A prática recomendada para concreto projetado reforçado com fibras do Comitê Brasileiro de Túneis (PR-CBT);
    • Especificação do concreto projetado (ABNT NBR 14026:2012);
    • Seleção de cimento e aditivos aceleradores (PR-CBT);
    • Seleção de fibras (ABNT NBR 15530:2019; ABNT NBR16942:2021 e ABNT NBR 16941:2021);
    • Dosagem experimental do concreto projetado reforçado com fibras e moldagem de placas (PR-CBT);
    • Determinação do material refletido (ABNT NBR 13317:2012 e ABNT NBR 13354:2012) e do teor de fibras efetivamente incorporado ao concreto projetado (PR-CBT);
    • Avaliação da resistência mecânica em idades iniciais (ABNT NBR 13069:2012 e ABNT NBR 14278:2012);
    • Extração de testemunhos de placas de concreto projetado (ABNT NBR 13070:2012) e da estrutura;
    • Determinação da resistência à tração na flexão, da resistência residual e da energia absorvida de concreto projetado reforçado com fibras (PR-CBT);
    • Procedimento de controle de qualidade (ABNT NBR 14026:2012).

Courses offered by the American Shotcrete Association.


Charles Hanskat (Director of the ASA).

  • Shotcrete in concrete codes and standards

Shotcrete has been used for over 100 years yet has had limited coverage in US-based codes. As shotcrete materials, equipment and placement techniques have significant improved over the years there have been many more structural applications using shotcrete placement. Though many structural engineers may have heard of shotcrete many may not be aware of the details of the placement process and the current state-of-the-art. This short course will highlight current practice and delineate how shotcrete is addressed in ACI, ASTM, and IBC codes, specifications and standards.

  • ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman and Inspector Certification

Shotcrete is a placement method for concrete. It has unique characteristics that can affect the in-place quality and durability, but most are readily apparent by visual inspection during placement. In effect, the nozzleman is the final QC individual on any shotcrete project as they see every square meter being placed. Recognizing the importance of the nozzleman ASA and ACI developed and implemented the shotcrete nozzleman certification program 25 years ago. Recognizing that even experienced concrete inspectors must understand the fundamental aspects of quality shotcrete placement, ACI with the assistance of ASA members developed the Shotcrete Inspector certification program starting in 2019. This presentation will cover in depth why certification benefits owners, specifiers contractors and field staff, as well as when and how education and certification can be completed.